93 Million Reasons Why

At the top of our knowledge mountain stands a cross - The Wonderful Cross - which extends through the heavens, touching the outer edges of the universe, and forever declaring God’s good intentions towards us.

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:9

Could the Lord have created a solar system on a smaller scale? Well sure, He can do anything. Is there a message in the vastness of the scale He chose? Definitely! To quote Him: “As high as the heavens are above the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Now, do we really believe we could advise the Lord on how to better run His universe? The closest star in the heavens is a mere 93 million miles higher than the earth – quite the “knowledge gap.”cross & sun picture

To get a better grip on this gap, consider the quiz God gave Job after listening to him spout off about the mysteries of His universe. Yet realize God’s list of questions for Job continues on for several chapters.

Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said, “Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? Now gird up your loins like a man, and I will ask you, and you instruct Me! Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding, Who set its measurements? Since you know. Or who stretched the line on it? On what were its bases sunk? Or who laid its cornerstone when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?”

Job quickly got the point. To properly evaluate God’s choices, our experience, wisdom and capabilities must match His experience, wisdom and capabilities. Keep in mind, Job’s exchange with God came fresh from the pain of Job’s loss of his ten children, all of his possessions, and last but not least, his health. So even in the agony of the tragic storms of life we have to remind ourselves of the knowledge gap.

Recently Stronghold Ministry has been praying for two young mothers fighting Stage IV metastatic melanoma. No doubt our intensity has been miniscule compared to the wrestling of small armies of friends and family. Still, both mothers passed away this past month… and both had four children. I, along with many others ask, “Why, Lord?”

Let’s suppose the best, most insightful answers to this question forms a tall mountain, the Mt. Everest of human understanding. Still, while comparing our highest mountain peak to the height of the sun, our answers are dwarfed by God’s answers. Someday in heaven we’ll fully explore and grasp the wonders of His ways, but for now, what can bridge this gap?

At the top of our knowledge mountain stands a cross – The Wonderful Cross – which extends through the heavens, touching the outer edges of the universe, and forever declaring God’s good intentions towards us. Once we were totally undeserving, yet He sent Jesus, His Son, to sacrifice Himself on that cross to deliver us sinners from eternal death and punishment.

 For Your righteousness, O God, reaches to the heavens, You who have done great things; O God, who is like You? (Psalm 71:19).

 For me, the cross fully explains all that I don’t yet understand. How about you?

Lord, we struggle – but help us trust your heart.

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  1. My husband, was told in November, go home and get on hospice. I felt like a ton of bricks was dropped on my shoulders. We did find a good doctor, And Bill is still living. In March, I gave him a birthday party, not knowing that a family friend came over with shingles, which Bill took. It settled in his eye, on the way to his brain. He was placed in isolation for several days and then sent our to rehab. This was a hard period of time. the cancer begin to grow and we knew this was not good. But much prayers were said on his behalf. Cancer treatment once was started again. I helped out in the infusion center while waiting for his treatment. i decided to reach out and try to help others.This is how I came to know of Joe and Terri Fornear’s work. I feel this is God’s hand in helping others with similar illnesses. My husband is not young anymore nor myself, but at least I can help with being a helper in giving out these wonderful books at the hospital, both in the infusion rooms, and on the cancer wing of the hospital and the chapel as well. many thanks to all who help. Blessings to all. Rose and Bill Schmalzried.

    • Rose, it is a huge blessing for Terri and I to work with you to help encourage folks who are fighting their battles now. You and Bill have a great story and YOU two are a great blessing to many! Blessings on you,
      Joe & Terri

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