Does the Lord intend us to be happy? Joyful? Satisfied? What about in hard times, like during a cancer battle? Yes, Yes, Yes and Yes!
I have to admit, I didn’t always experience positive feelings in the midst of the pain of my Stage IV battle with metastatic melanoma. But there were definite periods of joy, satisfaction and yes, even happiness. Those times happened automatically when I let go of working and striving and simply turned to Him. Read on to drink deep …

7 Amazing Properties of His Living Water:
1) Source – It flows from Him, a Person Who’s madly in love with you!
The Lord Himself is the living water Who quenches our thirst, and though there are times we forsake Him, He never forsakes us!
Jeremiah 17:13- They have forsaken the fountain of living water, even the LORD.
2) Cost – It’s FREE!
God is gracious to give us real satisfaction, even though we, like the Samaritan woman (John 4), have been “looking for love in all the wrong places!”
Isaiah 55:1 – “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat; Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”
3) Duration – It lasts a lifetime, even eternally!
We may think we’re stuck in a season or a lifetime curse that joy is not even possible, but that’s a lie from the pit of hell!
John 4:14 – “But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life.”
4) Location, location, location – It comes internally, not outwardly!
Where do you look for satisfaction? Our moods don’t have to be controlled by outward circumstances, but from a settled assurance from Him who LIVES in our hearts! It’s not from “out there,” which we can’t control, but from “in here,” where we can have self-control because we actively hand over control to Him! One does need to be sure to take the first step to believe on Him – here’s how.
John 7:38- “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'”
5) Purpose – It’s for hard times too!
Don’t be deceived, God’s grace shows up BETTER in our weakness! And yes we can say His grace shows up BEST in weakness!
Isaiah 43:19 – “Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.”
6) Motivation – For the thirsty; are you?
Are you willing to draw from Him – why bother with all other inferior wells?
Revelation 22:17 – The Spirit and the bride say, “Come ” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.
7) Effort – The work has already been done!
He is now seated at the Right Hand of the Father – do you believe this from Ephesians 1:20? Well, then you must also take God at His Word that Ephesians 2:6 says we’re also seated with Him there. So it is finished – drink up and be rested in Him!
Revelation 21:6-8 – Then He said to me, “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give to the one who thirsts from the spring of the water of life without cost.”
I know it’s hard, in fact, it’s impossible! So let go to Him to do the work through His Living Water flowing through you.
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Thank you for this wonderful reminder of how much God loves us and is here with us if we just ‘rest in him’.
Thanks for writing, Kathryn, bless you!!
Joe Fornear
Sooooo encouraging!!!
No bias, whatsoever, right, Mrs F.?
Seriously, thank you!
Joe Fornear, your husband who loves you so!